Friday, October 21, 2005

Flintstones, Meet the Flintstones...

The kids are calling this the Flintstones hurricane. I'm calling it a pain in the ass.

Work has been demanding this week and I have not gone to Costco for groceries and supplies. Now I get to go tomorrow like the rest of the state. and wait in line with the rest of the state.

One good thing, UM (useless man) is not in town this weekend. But he is calling me every 3 hours with "I want you to head north right away if you gt scared" acting all concerned. I am NOT scared. Apprehensive, yes. But I'm not afraid this thing is coming here to rip off my roof. We went through three last year, and lost a handful of shingles and two fence panels. What I'm apprehensive about is the shortages of food, and gas that we experienced last year, and my family being without power for two weeks again.

Here's hoping Wilma pretends to be a Mayan ruin and dies on the Yucatan.


Denise said...

OK I'm interested in the gas thing. Price of gas has been a real ...... since Katrina and anytime one threatens our world, prices skip up a bit more and the lines get long.

Well this time, the gas prices have been dropping all week and there are no lines anywhere.

I'm taking this as a sign the thing is actually going to come our way. Ya know?

As long as there is still wolfgang puck canned coffee in my hurricane kit, I'm good.

Let Wilma come, we'll be fine, won't we?!

clickmichelle said...

As long as I have a tank of gas when the thing hits, I'll be OK for a while.

But having 13 people living in a not-so-big house for 2 weeks, eating here, showering here, drinking all my COFFEE... that sucked. It really did. Literally my family drank 3 pounds of my coffee, including a pound of Gazebo, after Charley and before their power came back on.

No eggs, no bread... it was kind of surreal. Don't care to repeat it, and here we are waiting.