Tuesday, December 13, 2005

TW and the quirky meme thing

TW tagged me, popped up on my IM out of the clear blue sky and said "You've been tagged." In my incredible eloquence I managed to reply "Huh?"

Ah crap, so here are 5 Quirky Things.

1) When driving, I need the music loud. When in the passenger seat, I must have the music quiet. This baffles the man. Hell, I can't say it makes much sense to me either.

2) I have to be completely dressed before I can make coffee in the morning. Not necessarily with shoes, but clothes on, hair brushed, no pyjamas. This applies only when I am actually making the coffee. I can consume coffee that I do not prepare whilst in my pyjamas.

3) I have a thing about driving on bridges in reduced visibility situations. In the rain, in fog, on a rainy foggy night... I see my car hurtling over the edge, falling quickly toward the shallow water below... As long as I am not driving I'm ok. But if I'm driving, I almost work myself into a full-blown anxiety attack.

4) I am 36 but I'm still not quite convinced that I'm aging. I go to concerts and dance like I'm 16, when I'm not passing out -- a new experience. I listen to (and like) my kids' music. I know all the words to "Happy Holidays, You Bastards" and I find them remarkably funny, not offensive.

5) I work in the fertility and infertility field. I tell women how to get pregnant, how to maximize their chances, supporting them when they feel bad or less female because of these difficulties... and my only personal fertility issue was trying to prevent pregnancy.

I tag....... Leona and Shelly.


Denise said...

ok I have this loud music when driving but quiet when in the passenger seat issue too. Hadn't thought about it much 'cause I mostly drive now but yea, I feel that way.

TW said...

That coffee thing...now that is QUIRKY. What about if you set it the night before?

clickmichelle said...

Denise, if you and I both have that volume going on does that mean it's still a quirk, or is it now normal because we say so?

tw, I could set it the night before, but I prefer to grind the beans just before using. And then I'd probably come up with some compulsion to have makeup on before I could touch the creamer or something.